The program for the implementation of the multi-agent concept is highly sophisticated Measurement of terms for conducting electronic commerce

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YA. V. Belec'kij
V. P. Kornev


Requirements formulated and proposed a model of a multi-agent system designed for e-commerce tasks. An agent-based system has been developed, as well as its software implementation in JAVA language. The software implementation of the electronic market with the introduction of basic intelligent agents is proposed. An algorithm for negotiating sales is described, which provides full control over the sales process. The main directions of using multi-agent systems in e-commerce are highlighted.

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How to Cite
Belec’kij, Y. V. ., & Kornev, V. P. . (2012). The program for the implementation of the multi-agent concept is highly sophisticated Measurement of terms for conducting electronic commerce. Electronics and Communications, 16(6), 30–38.
Informational systems and technologies


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