Acoustoelectronic transducer of angular velocity

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Mykola Fedorovych Zhovnir


The comparative characteristics of angular velocity transducer of object is carried out. It includes the comparison of direct and alternating current tachogenerators, photoelectric transducers, fiber optic transducers based on the Sagnac effect, magnetic and electromagnetic transducers using the Hall effect.

The method for measuring the angular velocity of the object using the Doppler effect propagating in a circular piezoelectric waveguide of surface acoustic waves (SAW) received by a SAW receiver moving in electric field is proposed and theoretically grounded. 

The functional diagram of the acousto-electronic angular velocity transducer that can contain a circular waveguide based on the piezoelectric film zinc oxide (aluminum nitride), a topographic waveguide based on piezoelectric ceramics or a slit waveguide based on the same materials is carried out. A circular SAW receiver moves above circular piezoelectric waveguide in the electric field. The SAW receiver’s distributed construction allows receiving signal with compensation of errors arising as a result of frontal and radial beats of transducer relative to the circular waveguide.

The mathematical model of the acousto-electronic angular velocity transducer allows to determine the amplitude-frequency and phase-frequency characteristics depending on the SAW-module construction parameters and set oscillator electrical parameters.

An estimation of transducer potential metrological parameters using Doppler effect propagating SAW in a circular waveguide demonstrates the advantages over traditional transducers.

It is shown that at a set oscillator frequency of 30 MHz and circular piezoelectric waveguide radius of 10 mm, the potential resolution of acousto-electronic velocity transducer is less than 1 rpm in the dynamic range up to 30,000 rpm and more.

Signal phase gain measurement of the control interdigital transducer of the surface acoustic waves allows taking into account the temperature influence on the measurement error.

The theoretical interrelation and the results of numerical calculation allow substantiating the structural and electrical parameters depending on the set metrological characteristics of angular velocity transducer.

The proposed acousto-electronic angular velocity converter can be applied in high-precision information measuring complexes for angular displacement, speed and acceleration measurement.

Ref. 24, fig. 4.

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How to Cite
Zhovnir, M. F. (2017). Acoustoelectronic transducer of angular velocity. Electronics and Communications, 22(4), 44–50.
Electronic systems
Author Biography

Mykola Fedorovych Zhovnir, National technical university of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute"

Faculty of electronics


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