A computer emergency trainer for dispatchers of the united power system of Ukraine

Main Article Content

Volodymyr Mykolaiovych Avramenko
Nataliia Takhirdzhanivna Yunieieva
Tetiana Mykhailivna Hurieieva
Viktor Oleksandrovych Hurieiev


The purpose of this work is forming structure of emergency trainer for dispatchers of the IPS of Ukraine. The research method is computer simulation of electric power systems. The  trainer structure is developed using dynamics calculations after big disturbances  using software AVR-74 and virtual structures  to  display post emergency EPS modes using  full-scale mode simulator  PORT. Operation of the developed trainer has been demonstrated for an example of dispatcher training on the theme «Balancing mode of the IPS of Ukraine after wearing-out of emergency automatics in case of line disconnecting in the IPS cross section West-Vinnitsa». As an information model, is used the test-based model of the West-Vinnitsa section (54 bases, 72 branches, 18 generators), in which the electric network of 750 kV and 330 kV of the South-Western EPS and its connections with adjacent regional power systems are presented. Electric mode of the IPS of Ukraine is isolated from the UPS of Russia.  The calculations of the stability at the cross section of West-Vinnitsa for planning the regime of winter maximum load showed the need for automatic unloading of the Rivne nuclear power plant (RNPP), which, in the case of switching off power transmission line 330 kV Shepetovka-Zhytomyr, turns off the units 1,2 RNPP. The current frequency in the post emergency mode after  wearing-out of emergency automatics is   the 49.88 H. It requires action to restore the normal frequency level. Consistent steps to increase the frequency are: loading Dnipro-1 hydro power plant (HPP) up to a maximum capacity of 600 MW, loading Kremenchug HPP at 150 MW, loading two units of Trypilsky power plant up to 630 MW. As a result, the frequency is set to 49.92 Hz.

Computer emergency trainer for dispatchers provides:

  • formation of the calculation model of the UPS with the use of information about retrospective regimes from the archive of the software KOSMOS;
  • calculations of normal, repair, weighted and self-aligned on frequency and voltage of post-emergency stationary electric modes of the IPS;
  • verification of static and dynamic stability of the UPS taking into account the automatic regulators of excitation of synchronous generators, automatic regulators of turbine speed and hydro units of power stations, system anti-emergency automatics;
  • calculations of long transient processes after a sudden disturbance of the balance of active power of the IPS, taking into account the effect of frequency unloading automation and automation of limiting the increase of the frequency of current;
  • execution of calculations of cascading accidents in a given scenario;
  • issuance of operative information about the mode of IPS to remote monitors of the simulator, which is carried out by means of a full-function mode simulator PORT.

Ref. 3, fig. 7.

Article Details

How to Cite
Avramenko, V. M., Yunieieva, N. T., Hurieieva, T. M., & Hurieiev, V. O. (2017). A computer emergency trainer for dispatchers of the united power system of Ukraine. Electronics and Communications, 22(4), 69–74. https://doi.org/10.20535/2312-1807.2017.22.4.104615
Information and telecommunication systems and technology, information security
Author Biographies

Volodymyr Mykolaiovych Avramenko, Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Відділ моделювання електроенергетичних об'єктів та систем, пров. наук. спів., докт.техн.наук, проф.

Nataliia Takhirdzhanivna Yunieieva, Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Відділ моделювання електроенергетичних об'єктів та систем, наук. спів., канд.техн.наук

Tetiana Mykhailivna Hurieieva, Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Відділ моделювання електроенергетичних об'єктів та систем, пров. інженер

Viktor Oleksandrovych Hurieiev, SP Infotech Ltd.

Генеральний директор, к.т.н.


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V. N. Avramenko, V. A. Krylov, P. A. Chernenko и V. L. Pryhno, Matematicheskie modeli i programmnyie sredstva dlya resheniya zadach avtomatizirovannogo dispetcherskogo upravleniya energosistemami [Mathematical models and software tools for solving problems of automated supervisory control of power systems], Kyiv: Institut Elektrodinamiki Nationalnoi Akademii Nauk Ukrainy, 2012, p. 303.

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