Investigation of the Energy Characteristics of High Frequency Power Factor Correctors

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Yu. S. Demchenko


In this paper the investigation of the energy characteristics of the active high-frequency power factor correctors for three control methods (borderline control, peak current control and average current control) is made. In MATLAB/Simulink environment models corresponding to each method of control were developed. Power factor correctors’ energy performance under the nominal load condition, under reduced and increased load resistance was researched. For the peak and average current control methods two values of a switching frequency were used – 50 kHz and 100 kHz.

References 3, figure 1, tables 3.

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How to Cite
Demchenko, Y. S. (2014). Investigation of the Energy Characteristics of High Frequency Power Factor Correctors. Electronics and Communications, 19(6), 34–37.
Power electronics


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