Objective quality evaluation of speech band-limited signals

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Nataliia Volodymyrivna Bogdanova
Arkadii Mykolaiovych Prodeus


Dependence of objective quality evaluation of speech band-limited signals is experimentally obtained. As part of this task, a comparison of the considered indicators of the speech quality had been made. It is shown that computationally simple indicators, such as segmental SNR (SSNR) and log-spectral distortion (LSD), may not adequately respond to changes in bandwidth. More complex computationally perceptual indicators, such as bark spectral distortion (BSD) and perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ), behave much more correct and, in the end, clarify the real needs of the human auditory system to speech perception.

Reference 14, figures 5.

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How to Cite
Bogdanova, N. V., & Prodeus, A. M. (2014). Objective quality evaluation of speech band-limited signals. Electronics and Communications, 19(6), 58–65. https://doi.org/10.20535/2312-1807.2014.19.6.113479
Theory of signals and systems


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