The Regularities of the formation of acoustic fields receiving cylindrical piezoceramic transducer located in the annular layer

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Oleksii Volodymyrovych Korzhyk
E. V. Popsui
N. Yu. Filipova


The problem on the reception of sound in a circular cylindrical converter layer with electroelastic properties of piezoelectric membrane and the transition layer in the "through" setting is considered. The interference patterns of the pressure distribution to the circular layer in the illuminated area with acoustically hard, acoustically soft elastic material and an intermediate layer for different layer thicknesses, as well as the angular distributions of the total fields at different distances from the transducer surface is investigated. The dependence of the interference maxima and minima in the near field of the degree of stiffness (elasticity) of the wave layer is showing. The influence of the choice of materials and the size of the wave layer on the size and location of the interference maxima and minima of the pressure in the illuminated region, as well as the angular characteristics of the total field is showing. Reference 8, figures 8.

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How to Cite
Korzhyk, O. V., Popsui, E. V., & Filipova, N. Y. (2013). The Regularities of the formation of acoustic fields receiving cylindrical piezoceramic transducer located in the annular layer. Electronics and Communications, 17(6), 42–48.
Acoustical devices and systems


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