Assessing the impact of the expansion of the Doppler bandwidth for error estimation phase hydroacoustic (HA) signal

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Nikita Dmytrovych Hladkih


The mathematical and computer modeling of phase estimation of the signal, that is produced by the method of DPM, for 12-ray idealized HA channel in shallow water when carrier is moving with the speed range of 0-6 knots. In modeling is given the comparison of phase estimation of the signal in case of stationary and moving carriers of communication. The result is a plot of the estimation error signal phase on the tangential component of the motion velocity.

Reference 5, figures 4.

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How to Cite
Hladkih, N. D. (2013). Assessing the impact of the expansion of the Doppler bandwidth for error estimation phase hydroacoustic (HA) signal. Electronics and Communications, 17(6), 85–93.
Acoustical devices and systems


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