Method for fuzzy knowledge bases storing and processing

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Olena Serhiivna Shtohrina
Maksim Yuriiovych Ternovoy


The method for fuzzy knowledge base storing and processing in relational database is proposed in the paper. The main entities are singled out from fuzzy knowledge base. The database scheme for fuzzy knowledge storing is described in details. The main steps for building fuzzy inference tree based on selecting rules from database are described. The interaction procedures with database are described with the help of relation algebraic operation. Based on queue algorithm for proposed method is described. Proposed scheme and approach for fuzzy inference construction allow increasing work efficiency with knowledge because of using advantages of relational databases.

Reference 17, figures 1.

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How to Cite
Shtohrina, O. S., & Ternovoy, M. Y. (2013). Method for fuzzy knowledge bases storing and processing. Electronics and Communications, 17(6), 116–122.
Informational systems and technologies


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