Calculation of the frequency response of a spherical monolithic piezoceramic hydrophone

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Oleksii Volodymyrovych Korzhyk
Oleh Mykolaiovich Petrishchev


In oder to the “through” hydroacoustic problem the modeling and analytic solutions the tasks about the receiving of sound waves by  electroelastic spherical thin-shell  was obtained.  The model based on the spherical thin-shell with full electrodes surfaces  for radial type polarization. The amplitude-frequency characteristics of the sensibility have been calculated for wide frequency diapason.

Reference 15, figures 5.

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How to Cite
Korzhyk, O. V., & Petrishchev, O. M. (2014). Calculation of the frequency response of a spherical monolithic piezoceramic hydrophone. Electronics and Communications, 19(3), 73–87.
Acoustical devices and systems


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