Investigation of electromagnetic excitation method of volumetric ultrasonic waves in the metal half-space. Part 1.

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Анастасія Миколаївна Михеєва
Oleh Mykolaiovich Petrishchev


Solved the boundary problem of electrodynamics of distribution in space variable magnetic field of the ring coil which located in the vacuum above the surface of the half-filled magnetized ferromagnet. Studied the distribution of the axial and radial components of the stress vector of the alternating magnetic field in the volume of a ferromagnet at various frequencies. Calculated surface and bulk density of the ponderomotive forces of electromagnetic fields and forces of the Joule, which determine the deformation of a ferromagnet in the direct magnetostrictive effect. It is shown that when the field intensity of magnetization about half of the coercive force of a ferromagnet Joule forces almost four orders exceed ponderomotive action of electromagnetic field. It is established that with the increase in the frequency of changing the sign of the alternating magnetic field is sharply reduced values of axial field components of Joule forces. It is shown that at frequencies of the order of one megahertz and above, alternating magnetic field of the ring coil in the presence of vertical field of the magnetization creates bias on a surface and in the bulk of a ferromagnet practically only radial oriented surface and volumetric Joule forces.

References 13, figures 7.

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How to Cite
Михеєва, А. М., & Petrishchev, O. M. (2014). Investigation of electromagnetic excitation method of volumetric ultrasonic waves in the metal half-space. Part 1. Electronics and Communications, 19(2), 59–74.
Acoustical devices and systems


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