Analysis of interconnection between central nervous and cardiovascular systems

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М. А. Жуков


In the paper the aspects of collaboration and interconnection between central nervous and cardiovascular systems are described. Existing methods to estimate the connectivity between HRV and EEG signals and corresponding up-to-date studies are reviewed. It can be affirmed that there is an apparent interconnection between central nervous and cardiovascular systems on the basis of examined papers. But the definite method of assessment of this interconnection capable to take into account the underlying manner of this connection is yet to be defined. It was determined that further research should be directed into examination of non-linear connectivity between HRV and EEG signals, methods for non-linear connectivity assessment and comparison of their performance. On this basis the new ways to improve the current approaches are expounded.

Reference 29, figures 1.

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How to Cite
Жуков, М. А. (2014). Analysis of interconnection between central nervous and cardiovascular systems. Electronics and Communications, 19(1), 26–36.
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