Non-invasive method of determining of blood sugar

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Pavlo Pavlovych Loshitskyi
D. Y. Mynziak


The paper describes the problems of invasive measurement of glucose concentration in the human blood, particularly for diabetics who need  monitoring of blood sugar. The properties of water and aqueous solutions can be used as a physical basis for development of remote method to determine various characteristics of the solution, including concentration.

We propose a non-invasive method for determination of blood glucose based on measurements of the temperature fluctuations of distilled water, which are related to the structural dynamics of aqueous solutions and carry information about the composition of the impurities in water.

The results of clinical studies obtained by the proposed non-invasive method are compared with the results obtained by the traditional method. Stipulates that accuracy of the proposed method depends on the accuracy of the calibration standard samples of solutions.

References 19, figures 3. tables 1.

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How to Cite
Loshitskyi, P. P., & Mynziak, D. Y. (2013). Non-invasive method of determining of blood sugar. Electronics and Communications, 18(5), 31–42.
Biomedical devices and systems


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