Some peculiarities of propagation pressure waves in the cochlea of the human inner ear

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Vitalii Semenovich Didkovskyi
Y. V. Plamadil


A simplified model of the cochlea as the cylindrical tube with variable sections, which consists of the perfect fluid, are presented. The models with elastic or rigid walls were analyzed by using differential equations of fluid motion in the tube.
Influence of constriction in the tube is shown by the ratio of the amplitude values of the transmitted and incident pressure wave.

Reference 5, figures 6.

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How to Cite
Didkovskyi, V. S., & Plamadil, Y. V. (2013). Some peculiarities of propagation pressure waves in the cochlea of the human inner ear. Electronics and Communications, 18(5), 56–62.
Acoustical devices and systems


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