Rheography recording with determine of phase difference

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A. O. Popov
O. M. Chugui


This paper deals with the principles of the rheography method, which is an effective method of qualitative and quantitative diagnostics of the human body, and the modification of its hardware based on the analysis of biological properties and processes that occur in the body. Based on this analysis, a scheme rheographic to measure the phase difference between the probe and the measured signals is proposed in the article; application of the registration of the phase difference is justified; consider the possibilities of modern rheographs with examples; methods of signal processing rheographic signal are shown.

Reference 6, figures 4, tables 1.

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How to Cite
Popov, A. O., & Chugui, O. M. (2013). Rheography recording with determine of phase difference. Electronics and Communications, 18(2), 46–52. https://doi.org/10.20535/2312-1807.2013.18.2.177393
Biomedical devices and systems




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