Electromechanical characteristics electroelastic cylindrical receiving transducer, disposed in the annular layer

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A. V. Korzhyk
V. P. Ovsyanik
E. V. Popsuy
N. Y. Filippova


In this work the angle and amplitude-frequency characteristics of electromechanical characteristics of the receiving transducer with fully electroelasticelektrodirovannoy surface, which is placed in a closed circular layer. Calculated and analyzed the distribution of normal, radial and total cumulative displacement of surface points, the impedance of the voltage generated by the load of the electrodes. Showing of the influence of the choice of materials and the size of the wave layer on the size and location of the resonance frequency of the system. Identified and analyzed the features and differences of the proposed "through" approach in comparison with traditional methods.

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How to Cite
Korzhyk, A. V., Ovsyanik, V. P., Popsuy, E. V., & Filippova, N. Y. (2013). Electromechanical characteristics electroelastic cylindrical receiving transducer, disposed in the annular layer. Electronics and Communications, 18(2), 109–114. https://doi.org/10.20535/2312-1807.2013.18.2.186875
Acoustical devices and systems


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