Influence of transverse electron waves on the conditions of excitation of oscillations in the open waveguide with periodic structure

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G. S. Vorobyov
V. O. Zhurba
A. S. Krivets
A. A. Rybalko


By comparative analysis of the approximate dispersion equations of model amplifier on the Smith-Purcell effect the degree of influence of transverse electronic waves on the energy exchange processes of electrons with the field of open waveguide was determined.

Reference 5, figures 3.

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How to Cite
Vorobyov, G. S., Zhurba, V. O., Krivets, A. S., & Rybalko, A. A. (2013). Influence of transverse electron waves on the conditions of excitation of oscillations in the open waveguide with periodic structure. Electronics and Communications, 18(1), 14–19.
Solid-state electronics


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