Spectral-temporal analysis of vowel sounds and signals caused by otoacoustic emission of the human ear

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O. A. Zubchenko
S. A. Naida


In work the mathematical model of a middle ear of the person on the basis of the connected contours is described. With its help values of partial frequencies of a middle ear are calculated. The interrelation of partial frequencies of a middle ear of the person with formants frequencies of vowel sounds and resonant frequencies of signals of the detained caused otoacoustic emissions of an ear of the person in norm is investigated

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How to Cite
Zubchenko, O. A., & Naida, S. A. (2012). Spectral-temporal analysis of vowel sounds and signals caused by otoacoustic emission of the human ear. Electronics and Communications, 17(5), 66–71. https://doi.org/10.20535/2312-1807.2012.17.5.218409
Acoustical devices and systems


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