Software for the complex for registration and processing of laboratory experiments data

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A. V. Bohdan
A. Y. Zazeryn
A. T. Orlov


This paper presents recently developed software for data acquisition and processing system, aimed primarily to educational, scientific and industrial solutions. Hardware is presented by a wide set of smart sensors and DataLogger device, which digitizes analog signals and transmits the data to a target device for digital processing, storage and displaying. Software is implemented using NI LabVIEW development environment and provides a variety of functions including data acquisition management, displaying system status and parameters, functional and mathematical processing of captured data, saving and transferring results to other applications for further processing.

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How to Cite
Bohdan, A. V., Zazeryn, A. Y., & Orlov, A. T. (2012). Software for the complex for registration and processing of laboratory experiments data. Electronics and Communications, 17(5), 110–114.
Information and telecommunication systems and technology, information security


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