Ring microstrip resonator with micromechanical frequency tuning

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Yu. V. Prokopenko
P. Yu. Sergienko


An electromechanical tuning method of the inhomogeneous microstrip ring resonator is proposed. A method for the microstrip ring resonator excitation power changing was proposed. The influence of physical and topological characteristics of the ring resonator on its frequency characteristics is discussed. Model of the ring resonator for the calculation of the resonant frequencies is presented as a cascade connection of uniform transmission lines, which allows calculating of the ring resonator resonant frequency. Calculated resonant frequencies are in good agreement with the results obtained by finite element method (FEM) and finite difference method in time domain (FDTD).

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How to Cite
Prokopenko, Y. V., & Sergienko, P. Y. (2012). Ring microstrip resonator with micromechanical frequency tuning. Electronics and Communications, 17(4), 23–27. https://doi.org/10.20535/2312-1807.2012.17.4.219045
Electronic systems


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