Analysis of the change in the shape of pulses during their transmission through bandpass filters of optical communication systems

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A. A. Vlasenko
A. A. Trubin


Pulse shape influence at it passing through multiplexers of the optical communication systems is studied. Investigation results of most widespread optical pulse envelope in dependence of it duration, frequency, modulation and so on were studied. Rectangular and normal pulses as well as soliton-like and super-Gaussian pulses were analyzed. It's formulated requirements both to the pulse parameters, filters and to sources of fiber–optic communication systems.

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How to Cite
Vlasenko, A. A., & Trubin, A. A. (2012). Analysis of the change in the shape of pulses during their transmission through bandpass filters of optical communication systems. Electronics and Communications, 17(2), 51–56.
Informational systems and technologies


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