Eddy current method for measuring the parameters of the test object

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A.F. Zakrevsky


A mathematical model is presented eddy current sensor located above conductive half-space obtained by the discrete method. Based of such a model, the calculation formulas are given insertion impedance per turn and round flat coil, as well as their sensitivity to changes in the size of the gap. Using this model allows you to reduce time of electromagnetic analysis and calculation parameters of the eddy current sensor, to improve the accuracy of calculations in comparison with approximate methods. The proposed method implementation of a model for multi-parameter control using microcontrollers, which is considered by the example of determining the size of the gap

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How to Cite
Zakrevsky, . A. (2012). Eddy current method for measuring the parameters of the test object. Electronics and Communications, 16(6), 11–15. https://doi.org/10.20535/2312-1807.2011.16.6.240390
Vacuum, plasma and quantum electronics


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