Effect of structural heterogeneity on conductivity semiconductor materials

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V.A. Bahov
E.A. Nazderkin
A.S. Mazinov
L.D. Pisarenko


Complexity in understanding of the processes spotting the electrical properties of structured materials is considered from the side of the quantum representation of aperiodic structure. Determination of each of the view disordered aperiodic matrixes by means of statistical and energy parameters have allowed to describe the temperature dependences of the electroconductivity of the hydrogenated silicon amorphous films

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How to Cite
Bahov, V. ., Nazderkin, E. ., Mazinov, A. ., & Pisarenko, L. . (2011). Effect of structural heterogeneity on conductivity semiconductor materials. Electronics and Communications, 16(4), 11–14. https://doi.org/10.20535/2312-1807.2011.16.4.242709
Nanostructures and nanotechnology in electronics


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