Electronics for signal processing of a semiconductor nuclear radiation detector based on CdZnTe connections

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A.O. Komarov
A.V. Rybka
S.A. Sokolov
I.N. SHlyahov


In nuclear electronics the main problem is the correct registration of detector signals, obtained in form of current pulses. A design of a charge sensitive preamplifier which operates in a broad frequency band and provides the charge collection almost without distortion is proposed

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How to Cite
Komarov, A. ., Rybka, A. ., Sokolov, S. ., & SHlyahov, I. . (2011). Electronics for signal processing of a semiconductor nuclear radiation detector based on CdZnTe connections. Electronics and Communications, 16(4), 97–102. https://doi.org/10.20535/2312-1807.2011.16.4.245105
Electronic systems


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