Recent development of 3D focal plane arrays

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Article Arhiv
G.W. Kamerman


Laser radars have traditionally employed beam scanning and sequential range interrogation in order to generate three-dimensional (3D) images. Pulsed modulation is commonly used in order to measure range. The image size and image rate of 3D or range imaging laser radars are frequently limited by the pulse repetition rate and by scanner efficiency. Increases in the pulse repetition may increase frame size and frame rate, but only at the expense of increased range ambiguity and increased complexity of the scanner and transmitter. Staring arrays that incorporate time of arrival measurements have recently become available. These arrays have the potential of simplifying instrument design while increasing image size and image rate without increasing range ambiguity. In our work, we discuss most sensitive aspects of ladar design using focal plane arrays

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How to Cite
Arhiv, A., & Kamerman, G. . (2011). Recent development of 3D focal plane arrays. Electronics and Communications, 16(4), 122–125.
Electronic systems


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