Thermal imaging diagnostics in assessing the health status of young people aged 16 to 25 years

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L.G. Rozenfel'd
YU.P. Dekhtyarev
S.A. Mironenko
E.F. Venger
V.I. Dunaevskij
V.J. Kotovskij
E.I. Latenko
S.S. Nazarchuk
E. A. Solov'ev


The results of thermographic investigation
of youth aged from 16 to 25 years are presented
in this work. It is shown that the remote ifrared
thermography is an effective diagnostic method
to identify human diseases, especially in the
early stages of manifestation of the disease.
Thermography is simple to perform and easy
for the patient. Fundamentals of lifestyle is a
major factor in the prevention and the development of many diagnosed diseases, failure of
which leads to the pathological changes in the
body of young people which have been identified by us in this work. Disease prevention at
an early age, taking steps to improve the health
of young people must become a top priority in
government health care

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How to Cite
Rozenfel’d, L. ., Dekhtyarev, Y. ., Mironenko, S. ., Venger, E. ., Dunaevskij, V. ., Kotovskij, V. ., Latenko, E. ., Nazarchuk, S. ., & Solov’ev, E. A. . (2011). Thermal imaging diagnostics in assessing the health status of young people aged 16 to 25 years. Electronics and Communications, 16(4), 131–136.
Biomedical devices and systems


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