Measurement of dynamic parameters of micromechanical thermistor converter using software and hardware complex NI Elvis II

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O.V. Borysov
B.I. Lupyna
I.S. Deineka


The dynamic parameters of micromechanical thermo-resistive directly heated converter are measured in different mediums. The hardware architecture of the designed automated stand on the base of the hardware-software complex NI Elvis II, software and user’s interface into LabVIEW environment are described. The results of thermo-resistive transducer’s characteristics measurement, received with the
proposed stand, have analyzed

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How to Cite
Borysov, O. ., Lupyna, B. ., & Deineka, I. . (2012). Measurement of dynamic parameters of micromechanical thermistor converter using software and hardware complex NI Elvis II. Electronics and Communications, 16(5), 5–12.
Solid-state electronics


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