Conducting statistical analysis of the three-dimensional juvenile model angiofibromas of the base of the human skull for planning purposes surgical treatment of the tumor

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S.M. Alhіmova
V.P. YAcenko


The usage possibility of statistical characteristics for anatomical 3D-models of tumor is considered in the solutions the problem to predict the risk of massive blood loss during surgical tumors removal. This problem is considered on Juvenile Angiofibroma example. Results of experiments are given which confirm the dependence of statistical characteristics' values on such perfusion characteristics as relative vascular volume fraction of tumors tissue. Correlation analysis found relationship between statistical characteristics' values and specific volume of blood loss, that was obtained according to Juvenile Angiofibromas removal surgery data

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How to Cite
Alhіmova S. ., & YAcenko, V. . (2012). Conducting statistical analysis of the three-dimensional juvenile model angiofibromas of the base of the human skull for planning purposes surgical treatment of the tumor. Electronics and Communications, 16(5), 55–61.
Biomedical devices and systems


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