Energy loss model for hydroacoustic information offshore nets

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L.N. Zamarenova
E.V. Kotel'nikova
M.I. Skipa


The power loss model when the signals propagating in the information network hydroacoustic channel on the shelf is considered. The experimental signal propagation power loss data are described by the trend approximated using the functions of the exponential and polynomial type. It is shown that in the case of the signal propagation in the bottom sound channel the trend is described by this approximating functions with the confidence no less than 0,9

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How to Cite
Zamarenova, L. ., Kotel’nikova, E. ., & Skipa, M. . (2012). Energy loss model for hydroacoustic information offshore nets. Electronics and Communications, 16(5), 70–74.
Acoustical devices and systems


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