DSP Implementation of a Video Bitrate Transcoder

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V.G. Abakumov
T. Ádám
B. Formanek
A. Kane
P.V. Popovych


Solutions, with which using is possible to
implement video bitrate transcoder, are researched. Digital signal processors are offered for
this purpose. Measurements of implemented
transcoder performance parameters for selected general purpose processors and specialized microcontroller are carried out.

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How to Cite
Abakumov, V. ., Ádám, T. ., Formanek, B. ., Kane, A. ., & Popovych, P. . (2011). DSP Implementation of a Video Bitrate Transcoder . Electronics and Communications, 16(3), 89–91. https://doi.org/10.20535/2312-1807.2011.16.3.265765
Methods and means of processing signals and images


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