Experimental study of a thermomagnetic analyzer percentage of oxygen in the air mixture

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O.V. Borysov
I.S. Deyneka
B.I. Lupyna
R.M. Chobik


An expression for the dependence of the resistance of the sensing element is presented primary transducer on oxygen concentration The structure and software of the created experimental setup are described. Analyzed experimental results of the study of the dependence of the resistance of the sensitive element of the thermomagnetic sensor oxygen on the concentration of O2 in the gas mixtures for different tension values magnetic field and dissipated power on the sensing element

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How to Cite
Borysov, O. ., Deyneka, I. ., Lupyna, B. ., & Chobik, R. . (2011). Experimental study of a thermomagnetic analyzer percentage of oxygen in the air mixture. Electronics and Communications, 16(3), 109–116. https://doi.org/10.20535/2312-1807.2011.16.3.266224
Electronic systems


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