Investigation of the influence of low-frequency ultrasound on the values electrical characteristics of biologically active points

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V.S. Didkovskyy
L.YE. Kalashnikova
S.H. Bartenyev
V.A. Yuryev


In this article therapeutic efficacy of ultrasound phonopuncturs is proved in terms of evidence-based medicine. Objective criterion of the feasibility of phonopunctur’s is the level of change of the electrodermal resistance (EDR) of acupuncture points. ESR values were measured using the method of Nakatani and acupuncture points are articulated low-frequency ultrasound therapy intensity. Till the last time the effect on the electrical characteristics of acupuncture points of the low-frequency ultrasound has not been studied, and this fact characterizes the novelty of obtined results. Analysis of checkup results shows the effectiveness of the proposed method and demonstrates the feasibility of using low-frequency ultrasound in puncture physiotherapy

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How to Cite
Didkovskyy, V. ., Kalashnikova, L. ., Bartenyev, S. ., & Yuryev, V. . (2011). Investigation of the influence of low-frequency ultrasound on the values electrical characteristics of biologically active points. Electronics and Communications, 16(3), 155–161.
Biomedical devices and systems


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