Methods of mathematical medicine

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V.A. Lyshchuk
D.A. Andrikov
D.SH. Hazizova
O.V. Drakina
S.V. Kalyn
L.V. Sazykina
H.V. Shevchenka


The decision of the main problem for development of mathematical medicine – definitions of criteria and restrictions for synthesis and therapy optimization is proposed. The methods described here connected to elaboration of the mathematical models, control of medical treatment, individualization and use of models, allocation of pathological processes. The separation of pathological and adaptive organism reactions (homeostatic, compensatory, protective) wasn’t realized early. Methods give the possibiliy to estimate numericaly efficiency and helpfully of medicinal therapy, and also the quality of treatment. On the basis of these methods the technologies provided physicians decision of doctor have been carrying out. This technologies were successfully applied in treatment of more than 4000 serious patients

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How to Cite
Lyshchuk, V. ., Andrikov, D. ., Hazizova, D. ., Drakina, O. ., Kalyn, S. ., Sazykina, L. ., & Shevchenka, H. . (2011). Methods of mathematical medicine. Electronics and Communications, 16(3), 176–180.
Biomedical devices and systems


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