Conductometric transducers for determining the concentration of biological substances

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N.M. Horodnia
D.O. Makarov
N.V. Maksymchuk


The manufacturing technique became cheaper, the design of planar conductometric transducers was improved, good identity of electrical parameters of the differential pair and reproducibility characteristics of a series of samples were obtained. The variation of electrical parameters within the differential pair and a series of transducers based on nickel in comparison with transducers based on gold were Investigated. The samples of conductometric electrode chip is promising to realize low-cost disposable biosensor chip for determining the concentration of biological substances

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How to Cite
Horodnia, N. ., Makarov, D. ., & Maksymchuk, N. . (2011). Conductometric transducers for determining the concentration of biological substances. Electronics and Communications, 16(3), 185–189.
Biomedical devices and systems


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