Possibilities of using bioelectroimpedancemetry for monitoring the condition of microcytes

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L.O. Berizko
A.A. Smerdov
S.YE. Sokolov


Tradition and electroimpedancemetry methods to research haematocrit, tissue clearance of liquids and gases, dynamics sedimentation of erythrocytes have been comparatively analyzed. Perspectives of bioelectroimpedancemetry application for solution of microcirculatory problems have been shown

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How to Cite
Berizko, L. ., Smerdov, A. ., & Sokolov, S. (2011). Possibilities of using bioelectroimpedancemetry for monitoring the condition of microcytes. Electronics and Communications, 16(2), 101–105. https://doi.org/10.20535/2312-1807.2011.16.2.268256
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