Patterns of formation of directional properties of an antenna arrays of multimode converters in the presence of electroelastic diffuser

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A.V. Korzhik
N.Yu. Filippova


The formation features of directional properties of array are considered in presence theelectro-resilient acoustic diffuser of variable inflexibility. As waiting rooms and dispersive elements circular is chosen cylindrical transformers with cut electrodes. A task is solved for the mode of reception in the through raising and taken to consideration of variants of arrangement of receiving grate and diffuser for different wave descriptions and values of loading of electrodes of diffuser

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How to Cite
Korzhik, A. ., & Filippova, N. . (2011). Patterns of formation of directional properties of an antenna arrays of multimode converters in the presence of electroelastic diffuser. Electronics and Communications, 16(2), 153–157.
Acoustical devices and systems


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