Dielectric Characteristics of Composite Materials based on carbon

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A.V. Machulyanskyy
D.D. Tatarchuk
O.V. Telychkyna
T.L. Volkhova


Dependences of complex dielectric permitivity and tangent of dielectric losses angle are explored in the range of temperatures T = 280 - 360 К at the frequencies of 10 GHz and 30 GHz at different concentrations of dispersion phase of carbon in polymeric composite material. It is shown that polymeric composites possesses the least values of temperature coefficient of tangent of dielectric losses angle (nearly 10~5 К 1) with maintenance of carbon more than 20%

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How to Cite
Machulyanskyy, A. ., Tatarchuk, D. ., Telychkyna, O. ., & Volkhova, T. . (2011). Dielectric Characteristics of Composite Materials based on carbon. Electronics and Communications, 16(2), 39–41. https://doi.org/10.20535/2312-1807.2011.16.2.268398
Solid-state electronics


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