A method of reducing the influence of dyshemoglobins on the results of pulse oximetry

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I.O. Kutzman
I.O. Kutsman
A.M. Pasichnyk
V.F. Zavorotnyy


The basical principles of abnormal hemoglobins effect on pulsoximetry are exemined. The simulation of abnormal hemoglobins effect on pulsoximetry was carried on and the relative error-measuring wavelength diagram was obtained. The method for abnormal hemoglobins effect reducing is introduced.

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How to Cite
Kutzman, I. ., Kutsman, I. ., Pasichnyk, A. ., & Zavorotnyy, V. . (2011). A method of reducing the influence of dyshemoglobins on the results of pulse oximetry. Electronics and Communications, 16(1), 129–132. https://doi.org/10.20535/2312-1807.2011.16.1.273998
Biomedical devices and systems


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