Semiconductor microwave production technologies nanoelectronics and computer modeling of devices micro- and nanosystem technology

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Yu.A. Shurygin
L.I. Babak
N.D. Malyutin
T.N. Zaichenko


The results in the branch of creation of semiconductor microwave electronics manufacturing and designing technologies which are carried out in Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics are presented. The concept of micro/nano electronics devices computer modelling on the base of components circuit method is proposed

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How to Cite
Shurygin, Y. ., Babak, L. ., Malyutin, N. ., & Zaichenko, T. . (2010). Semiconductor microwave production technologies nanoelectronics and computer modeling of devices micro- and nanosystem technology. Electronics and Communications, 15(4), 17–21.
Nanostructures and nanotechnology in electronics


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