Modeling the influence of long-wave radiation per person indoors

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A.I. Bogatonkova


The information technology which allows to predict influence of long-wave radiation on the human indoors is developed. The information technology considers physiological characteristics of the human, clothes and the level of physical activity corresponding to his profession, and also environment characteristics – air temperature, vintilation and humidity. The mathematical model considers the sizes of a room and an occurrence of human there. The model gives possibility of exact calculation influence of angle factors between the human and walls, a floor, a ceiling, windows, a door, radiators, etc., on heat exchange of the human with environment. Modeling experiment shows its high sensitivity

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How to Cite
Bogatonkova, A. . (2010). Modeling the influence of long-wave radiation per person indoors. Electronics and Communications, 15(4), 144–148.
Biomedical devices and systems


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