Stationary oscillations of the boundaries of the elastic layer, under the action uniformly distributed heat sources over the interval along the longitudinal coordinate

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A.О. Bogdanov


The stationary thermoelastic vibrations analysis of the plain layer boundary is conducted. The problem is solved within the framework of disjoint thermoelasticity theory for the case when thermal sources concentrated in the layer -a £ x £ a (axis x is located along the half-space boundary). A method for solving of the indicated problem is developed, the calculation of the elastic characteristics is conducted and their analysis is executed in relation to remoteness from the source of excitation.

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How to Cite
Bogdanov, A. . (2010). Stationary oscillations of the boundaries of the elastic layer, under the action uniformly distributed heat sources over the interval along the longitudinal coordinate. Electronics and Communications, 15(4), 166–169.
Acoustical devices and systems


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