Features of the implementation of the simple pairing algorithm Bluetooth devices

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A.A. Voloshin
B.B. Pratsyuk
Yu.V. Prokopenko


The paper presents Secure Simple Pairing algorithm for Bluetooth-enabled devices, which provides easier and safer pass of authentication and encryption key generation stages. The algorithm was implemented in TC-3000 platform and can be used in Bluetooth devices with different input/output (IO) capabilities such as presence/ absence of the display, presence/absence of the text or numbers entering possibility, etc

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How to Cite
Voloshin, A. ., Pratsyuk, B. ., & Prokopenko, Y. . (2010). Features of the implementation of the simple pairing algorithm Bluetooth devices. Electronics and Communications, 15(4), 192–197. https://doi.org/10.20535/2312-1807.2010.15.4.301781
Systems of telecommunication, communication and information protection


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