Modeling of high-voltage glow electron sources discharge using client-server technologies

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I.V. Melnyk
A.A. Kuzmin


Today solving of tasks of electron devices CAD touches essentially upon the creation of its exact mathematic models and with particularities of its computer realization. The possibility of simulation of technological high voltage glow discharge electron sources by simultaneous using of client-server technologies and MatLab application is considered in this article. The advantages of considered approach are complex automation of whole calculation process for solving the hard tasks of mathematical simulation of electronic devices and systems, and orienting to modern network technologies of data exchange

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How to Cite
Melnyk, I. ., & Kuzmin, A. . (2010). Modeling of high-voltage glow electron sources discharge using client-server technologies. Electronics and Communications, 15(3), 57–62.
Vacuum, plasma and quantum electronics


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