Temperature Dependences of Losses in High Frequency Dielectrics

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Yurii Myhailovych Poplavko
Yurii Viktorovych Didenko
Dmytro Dmytrovych Tatarchuk


Temperature is one of the important factors that affect to the coefficient of dielectric loss. Currently electronics is actively developing in the gigahertz frequency range. The frequency growth leads to the increasing of dielectric self-heating in the microwave electric field. Heating of dielectrics might be caused also by the external sources of heat. This paper presents the investigation of temperature dependences of the microwave dielectric losses for different mechanisms of polarization. The results of mathematical modelling are shown as well. References 3, figures 6.

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How to Cite
Poplavko, Y. M., Didenko, Y. V., & Tatarchuk, D. D. (2014). Temperature Dependences of Losses in High Frequency Dielectrics. Electronics and Communications, 19(4), 28–35. https://doi.org/10.20535/2312-1807.2014.19.4.31744
Solid-state electronics


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