Analysis of Metal-dielectric Nanocomposite Coatings with Ferromagnetic Inclusions for Electromagnetic Protection of Electronic Devices

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A. Borisova
A. Machulyansky
Yu. I. Yakimenko


Metal-dielectric nanocomposite system with ferromagnetic inclusions was prepared and studied: epoxy resin-xFe (x=0-30 vol. % is a content of the Fe nanoparticles). Its dielectric and magnetic spectra were measured in a broad frequency range from 106 Hz to 1010 Hz. Both dielectric and magnetic dispersion was observed. Based on the experimental spectra of the complex permittivity and permeability, reflection and transmission coefficients of the composite layers in a free space were calculated depending on the content of ferromagnetic inclusions and layer thickness. Microwave absorption of the studied metal-dielectric composites varies in a broad rage and can be controlled by changing the concentration of ferromagnetic inclusions. The composites can be used as microwave absorbing or shielding materials. References 9, figures 3.

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How to Cite
Borisova, A., Machulyansky, A., & Yakimenko, Y. I. (2014). Analysis of Metal-dielectric Nanocomposite Coatings with Ferromagnetic Inclusions for Electromagnetic Protection of Electronic Devices. Electronics and Communications, 19(4), 23–27.
Solid-state electronics


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