Improvement of mathematical model of the protected information and telecommunication system using the theory of sensitivity

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M. Mozhaiev
S. Semenov
V. Kazimirova
O. Mozhayev


Offered approach to the design protected informatively - telecommunication system on the basis of theory of sensitiveness. The research of the existing approaches to the mathematical modeling of complex technical systems. Which showed some of their disadvantages associated with limitations and assumptions are not compatible with the real process of their functioning. A mathematical model is improved by protected informatively - telecommunication system, different from known the account of existent features of ill-intentioned external influences and corresponding changes of internal descriptions of the system. Equalizations and functions of sensitiveness, allowing to take into account possible changes protected informatively, are specified - telecommunication system in the conditions of affecting her ill-intentioned attacks. Developed higher-order sensitivity equation that can improve the accuracy of the description of the change process parameters secure information technology system under the conditions of independent malicious actions. Bibl. 11

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How to Cite
Mozhaiev, M., Semenov, S., Kazimirova, V., & Mozhayev, O. (2014). Improvement of mathematical model of the protected information and telecommunication system using the theory of sensitivity. Electronics and Communications, 19(4), 97–102.
Systems of telecommunication, communication and information protection


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