Method for dynamic allocation of channels between voice and data calls

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A. M. Koronenko


The paper proposed a new method for dynamic allocation of channels.In order to determine changes in the rules of priority in reservation is used analysis of statistics, which is constantly collected and updated. A new method of calculating the QoS of the proposed method for distribution channels is created. Bibl. 6, fig. 4, table 1.

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How to Cite
Koronenko, A. M. (2014). Method for dynamic allocation of channels between voice and data calls. Electronics and Communications, 19(4), 83–89.
Systems of telecommunication, communication and information protection


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Zvit vid 8 lypnya 2013 r., Naukovo-tekhnichnyy tsentr “OMNIS”, m. Kyyiv, Dodatok do zvitu P. 21 (Ukr)