Using of thermal imaging in the diagnosis of vascular pathologies

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V. A. Danilova
V. V. Shlykov


Qualitative comparative analysis of thermal infarction conducted using thermograph in the spectral range 8 - 14 microns. Quantitative assessment of myocardial temperature measurement accuracy is made depending on the ambient temperature. Based on the proposed approach to the analysis of thermal images infarction conducted researching area of temperature on the surface of the myocardium, which give a clear picture on the distribution of the internal temperature and the level of the microcirculation in the myocardium and vessels.

Reference 3, figures 3

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How to Cite
Danilova, V. A., & Shlykov, V. V. (2015). Using of thermal imaging in the diagnosis of vascular pathologies. Electronics and Communications, 19(5), 73–75.
Biomedical devices and systems


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