Stages of development of modern network technologies and example of creation of energy-effective multimedia service on the base of microcomputer node

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A. O. Luntovskyy
I. V. Melnyk
M. S. Shikova


The stages of network technologies and their development tendencies are considered in this article. Paying attention to the constantly progressive increasing of the amount of home devices, which are controlled via Internet, to the technical problems, which are appears by that, and to the effective methods of its solving. An example of creation of low-power multimedia service on the base of microcomputer node, which realized the inexpensive system for microcomputer control of home media centre on the base of microcomputer Raspberry Pi, is given. 

Reference 19, figures 5, tables 1.

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How to Cite
Luntovskyy, A. O., Melnyk, I. V., & Shikova, M. S. (2015). Stages of development of modern network technologies and example of creation of energy-effective multimedia service on the base of microcomputer node. Electronics and Communications, 19(5), 121–127.
Systems of telecommunication, communication and information protection


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