Polarization Mechanisms in Thermal Stable Microwave BLT Ceramics Part 1: “Hard” Paraelectrics Peculiarities

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Юрій Вікторович Діденко
Юрий Михайлович Поплавко


The "hard" paraelectrics as a material with a high dielectric constant and low loss at microwave frequencies are considered. The impact of different
types of polarization on the dielectric and thermal properties of paraelectric is described. The tetragonal rutile structure is considered and the influence
of the oxygen octahedrons TiO6 on the dielectric constant of the paraelectric is established. References 5, figures 2.

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How to Cite
Діденко, Ю. В., & Поплавко, Ю. М. (2015). Polarization Mechanisms in Thermal Stable Microwave BLT Ceramics Part 1: “Hard” Paraelectrics Peculiarities. Electronics and Communications, 20(1), 18. https://doi.org/10.20535/2312-1807.2015.20.1.47381
Solid-state electronics


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