Assessment of the impact of system phase response non-linearity on the speech signals quality

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Аркадій Миколайович Продеус
К. П. Пилипенко
Александр Яковлевич Калюжный
С. Г. Бартенев


It is shown that phase distortion of speech signals are acceptable for human auditory system when the maximum difference of group delay times in the high and low frequencies is below 50 ms - the interference between adjacent vowels and consonants is not perceived with such a difference of group delay. There were founded values of objective measures of speech quality in the form of a segmental signal-to-noise ratio (SSNR), the log-spectral distortion (LSD), bark spectral distortion (BSD) and perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ), according to the detected threshold value of 50 ms. Bibl. 7, Fig. 6, Tab. 1.

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How to Cite
Продеус, А. М., Пилипенко, К. П., Калюжный, А. Я., & Бартенев, С. Г. (2015). Assessment of the impact of system phase response non-linearity on the speech signals quality. Electronics and Communications, 20(2).
Theory of signals and systems


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